Thursday, April 2, 2020

What Is The Definition Of Chemistry?

What Is The Definition Of Chemistry?We usually see it through the 'malleable definition' of a chemical or the chemical elements, yet we should not be confused and also not ignore this important definition. When you define a chemical, it means that it can be changed into another substance at will.Chemical elements are flexible and so they have the ability to be changed without being changed in a molecular level. Once it is in the form of an element it will continue to stay in its original form until it is broken down into a molecule or it is decomposed (break down to atoms) and re-combined with other elements.The malleable definition of chemistry brings about several interesting points that will eventually lead to an understanding of the nature of chemistry itself. Once the process of chemistry is understood, then the implications of chemistry for life will become clearer. We will be able to understand the importance of chemical and elements to each other and why chemistry is not some thing that is static or unchanging.This definition of chemistry is the primary importance of chemistry and its working process. It will explain the concept of the word 'collision'. This has to do with two different types of reactions where one substance will react and affect the other by changing the other substance's properties. This process will then lead to a change in the properties of the individual material or element.In terms of the chemical bond, we will define the bond as a bond which is made between two individual substances and only within the substance that are being bonded to. In other words, a chemical bond can be defined as any connection between two materials where there is chemical bonding between the materials being bonded.However, the primary fundamental of chemistry will have to be chemistry which is the study of fundamental chemical formulas. We will be discussing the major chemical elements and their chemical compositions. These formulas will contain chemical e lements and their chemical properties.There are many chemistry related courses that will help students in making basic chemistry. One such course would be the Calculus Course, which is known to help students make more intelligent judgments about their knowledge of basic science.This is the purest definition of chemistry and it will bring about some of the most useful insights into the working of chemistry. In other words, this will be a perfect way to get an introductory course in chemistry, and even a first year university chemistry courses.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

5 Strategies to Help you Adapt - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Strategies to Help you Adapt - Introvert Whisperer 5 Strategies to Help you Adapt As an introvert leader, you’ve probably already started seeing how your own behavior might not serve to help you succeed…or at least not at a rate you would like.   You can see others who are getting ahead and you don’t see yourself doing some of the things they are doing. In fact, you really kind of detest what you see others doing to get ahead and your principles simply won’t let you follow their example. Does this sound like you?   This leaves you pondering what you can do as you don’t see any role models. I’m not advocating that you consider a personality transplant.   It wouldn’t work anyway.   What I am proposing is adapting your behavior not all the time but in very specific situations. Adapting is simply a conscious effort by you to deliberately modify your behavior to meet both your goals and to satisfy the situation you are in.   Think of adapting your behavior as the equivalent to the difference in how you behave with a child you know versus your boss.   The person and the situations call for different behaviors â€" in that moment. Here are some things you may be doing that call for a different approach:   #1 You hunker down.    The good news is your like to get down to business and will produce like crazy.   The bad news is you do that at the expense of building relationships. Do this instead:   Take a walk-around break.   Pick a time each day to deliberately stop what you’re doing and go interact with others. #2 You don’t inject your opinion.    The good news is you listen and pay attention to what’s being said.   The bad news is, if people don’t hear something from you, they’ll just assume you don’t care or really have nothing to add. Do this instead: Make a point to offer up your ideas or opinions in every meeting or discussion you are in.   It may be hard at first, but the more you do it the easier it will become. #3 You don’t self-promote.   The good news is you aren’t being obnoxious like some other folks you probably know. (And while they are being obnoxious don’t fool yourself into thinking that is always effective).   The bad news is that you aren’t paying attention to those that are self-promoting in a quiet, subtle way. Do this instead: Figure out who the key decision makers are and what’s important to them.   Then, deliver like crazy to their priorities and keep them updated along the way.   It helps to reinforce that you not only paid attention but you delivered. #4 You don’t communicate with the boss.   There is no good news if you’re waiting for the boss to speak to you or give you their direction.   You have to be responsible for communication and not wait until they come speak to you. Do this instead.   Set up time to routinely speak to your boss.   Update them on your work.   Seek input on what’s ahead.   Ask how they view your performance and expectations of you.   Take responsibility for the relationship. #5 Don’t take everything at first glance.   The good news is you listen.   The bad news is that with some people you fail to realize they are thinking out loud.   What you hear may be simply part of the process and not a conclusion. Do this instead:   Learn to realize that for some people, you may have to ask, “where they landed” on certain topics.   What you heard might not be where or what they have concluded.   Learn to ask questions. There are certainly many other situations where your behavior could stand some modifications in order to further your agenda.   Hopefully, this will get you thinking about what and when you need to adapt. Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective. But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will? If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now-CLICK HERE! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How An Online Science Tutor Makes Science Learning Fun For Kids

How An Online Science Tutor Makes Science Learning Fun For Kids It is a proven fact that when students are taught the fun way. They show a measurable improvement in their exam performances. This is primarily because their cognitive functions are way better when taught in a stress free manner. This enables them to grasp the underlying theories and concepts. Today, there are numerous techniques and modern learning methodologies. Methodologies that are being employed to help students with their academics. Online tutors employ technology to the fullest extent possible in order to reach out to students. It helps them fare better in their studies. Here are the top 3 ways an online science tutor can make science learning extremely interesting and fun. Conduct simple experiments to enable understanding Science is perhaps the one area when teachers can come up with various ideas to teach students. Experiments are a cool way to engage the attention of kids. For instance, if you wish to teach the concept of say atmospheric pressure and how we measure it and so on. You can devise a simple experiment or a project and help students build a barometer using a few simple everyday items. Items such as a plastic bottle, a couple of pencils, a bowl and some clay, colours and markers. Building a barometer of these is quite simple and as kids get to do it. They’ll understand the underlying concept of how a barometer works. Based on the curriculum, make a list of experiments to learn new concepts and get the students to work on it every week. This is sure to help them with their homework and is also the best science homework help there is! Take real life examples and explain concepts Getting kids to think isn’t as difficult as one might think. Getting hold of real life situations and asking them questions about it. This is a sure way to get them thinking. Also, when a person explains using real world scenarios, it is easy for them to relate to. For instance, asking a child as to how a ball rolls down a slope would get him/her thinking and it becomes easier to explain how it actually happens. As opposed to talking to them in technical jargon and confusing them with inclined planes and forces, starting with a simple scenario that they are sure to have witnessed not only piques their curiosity but also helps them understand better. Set aside one day for fun activities One session a week should focus on hands on learning. Either conduct a quiz or ask them to work on some project or get them to read something before class and then ask questions or devise activities that test their learning of it. Asking children to write down the things they’ve learnt in their own words is a good method to gauge their understanding and identify their problem areas. It also helps them understand better as they try to piece together their thoughts on the topic at hand. Similarly, there are many science apps that are available on various platforms such as Android and iOS that are extremely helpful in making science a fun and easy concept to learn for kids. Parents too can utilize these tools to help their children explore science. Instead of looking for science assignment help, they can look up these apps and help their children focus and learn better. Summary Technology today plays an important role in education and online tutors are exploring various avenues to employ technology to help children learn better. Devising experiments and providing hands on experience are some of the newer methods of learning and they have proven to be very successful as they help children learn things by doing it themselves and this has been the time tested way to learn most effectively.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

A Guide to Personal Trainer Marketing

A Guide to Personal Trainer Marketing How to Market Yourself to Become a Personal Trainer ChaptersSimple Tips to Improve Your Marketing Strategy and Grow Your Business as a Fitness InstructorLearning About “Personal Branding” for your Personal Training BusinessLearn Search Engine Optimisation to Improve Your Digital Marketing StrategiesFind Strategic Partners to Boost Awareness of Your ProductSet Up a Referral Rewards Marketing CampaignEncourage Client Fidelity With Promotional OffersOnly too often, we imagine personal trainers as the big, muscle-bound type with inflated muscles, popping steroids and protein pills to butch up…Reality is another story: a personal trainer is in the wellness business, using his or her specific knowledge and skill sets to motivate their client, support them physically and emotionally and help them achieve their fitness goals.A personal fitness instructor is there to guide their clients toward self-fulfilment and helps them accomplish what they set out to do.Come to think of it, you could do with a few clients to guide and help, couldn†™t you? Having clients is a basic requirement when starting a personal training business.Superprof’s mini-guide to establishing yourself as a home fitness trainer is here to help you with the marketing strategies and networking tactics to help you establish a client base get your new business on its feet.share a space. You can also ask existing studios if you can rent their space - saving on some equipment costs - or if a fitness centre will let you work with private clients on their premises.Also discover what certifications personal trainers need to have...Even if it’s just a one-day event as part of their summer cookout, these are potential new clients just waiting to hear of your existence!Also look for influential partners with a large clientele of their own who would be likely to recommend you to people looking for a personal trainer - doctors, pharmacists, sports shops, real estate agents… Offer them a free session so they can tell their own clients all about you - and who knows, maybe you’ll gain a GP or a pharmacist as a client as well.You may also consider setting up a profile with Superprof. Superprof is a platform that specialises in helping to find jobs for ex teachers!Set Up a Referral Rewards Marketing CampaignOffer reduced rates or other promotional goodies (a free exercise mat, for example) to clients who recommend you to friends or family. A small business owner thrives on word-of-mouth, so make a referral rewards program part of your strategic marketing plan.Encourage clients to write testimonials for your website or post them on social media. You can sponsor contests through Facebook in which people enter by commenting or sharing your post.Encourage Client Fidelity With Promotional OffersOne universal adage of marketing is that it costs five times less to keep a client than to acquire a new one.So take good care of your loyal clientele!Some tips for rewarding loyal clientsThink about a rewards program for those who stick with you. A discount on a ten-session stamp card, for example; or you could offer little keychains or, even better, a step counter with your name on it so they think of you wherever they go.Take an example from this coffee shop - offer rewards to loyal customers of your personal trainer business. Photo credit: duncan on Visual HuntConsider an upgrade to “gold client” after three years, with discounts, free access to your exercise videos or a free nutrition consultation.Have a yearly client party so your clients meet new people and understand that you value their loyalty.Keeping Your Clients Outside of Marketing ChannelsEffective marketing aside, don’t forget that your clients are people and that the best way to keep them is to take care of them.Try to be flexible with scheduling and understanding of last-minute emergencies. Take the time to get to know them and adapt their personal training to their skills and needs.During a training session:Be kind and attentiveBe sympathetic - getting stress factors out in the open will give them a sense of release and allow them to concentrate on their trainingBe aware of what your client is saying - both out loud and with their body. Stress might be evident through tense muscles, tiredness through disjointed sentences.Make sure the workout stays safe and that they don’t injure themselves because they didn’t realise how stressed-out they really were.Create a calm atmosphere: use music or simply speak in a calm and measured voiceCreate an atmosphere of trust: call them by their first name, be cheerful and make small talkEncourage them and motivate them when they are experiencing difficultiesPraise them when they make progressThese simple strategies will help you grow and keep new clients. Superprof is ready to play its part in getting you known!Now discover this beginner's guide to being a personal trainer...

Learn to Embroider With These Sewing Resources

Learn to Embroider With These Sewing Resources Learn Embroidery As a Beginner: Where Does It Come From And How To Get Started ChaptersA Brief History of EmbroideringBasic Materials For Beginner ProjectsBeginner Stitches and Embroidery TechniquesLearn to Embroider TutorialsEmbroidery Patterns for Your First ProjectsWhat sewing enthusiast hasn’t stood in awe in front of a 13th-century embroidered cope or richly-decorated Chinese court dress? Who hasn’t stared at the elaborate designs of 18th-century coats and admired the needlework? Not everyone who learns how to sew is interested in learning to embroider. Some are daunted by the variety of stitches while others prefer to keep their sewing simple. But if you are one of those who have always felt drawn to the world of painting in coloured thread, but don’t know where to start - this blog is for you. In Europe, the earliest pieces use stem stitch, chain stitch and split stitch. In Late Antiquity, the roundels and bands of decoration found on Coptic robes and vestments were sometimes embroidered using those techniques; remains of Dark Age embroideries show that couched goldwork was already used to make borders (such as on the outer garment of Merovingian queen Arnegunde, 6th century AD) and panels in a technique that mature into the rich Opus Anglicanum of the Middle Ages (the Maaseik embroideries, 10th century). Several techniques were used to make the amazing medieval wall hangings that have mostly survived from monasteries. The most famous of them all, the Bayeux tapestry, was made in a laid-and-couch method called Bayeux stitch or refilsaum, a technique otherwise common only in Scandinavia. Another couched stitch called Klosterstitch was popular in Northern Germany, while German brick stitch was used on tapestries, pillows, bags and pouches all over Europe. The most elaborate and beautiful techniques were:  Opus Teutonicum, a whitework and openwork technique used to make elaborate altar cloths for the period of Lent;or nué, a technique that uses the couching stitches over the gold thread to make designs, andOpus Anglicanum, a go ldwork technique that made England famous throughout Europe.Starting the Renaissance, more pieces have survived using a variety of different stitches for surface work. Blackwork was very popular in the Elizabethan period, whereas the 18th-century saw the rise of ribbon embroidery in France, a technique that soon spread to other countries along with French fashion. Tapestry or carpet-work became very popular in the 19th century, when cross-stitch slowly gained the popularity it knows today.Basic Materials For Beginner ProjectsEmbroidery needles, a hoop and embroidery cotton are some basic supplies to get started with. Photo credit: pinprick on Visual huntYou are learning how to sew and already have a stash of embroidery supplies - you’re ready to start embroidering, right? Not exactly. While if all you want to do is add little doodle flowers to a bag every few months, your normal sewing needle will do fine (though you will have a job threading it with embroidery floss), if you want to practice embroidery with anything like regularity you will have to invest in some embroidery tools. Fortunately, they are not very expensive.The right embroidery needlesTo start with, you should probably buy one or two chenille needles if you are working normal cloth; tapestry needles if you are working evenweave or thick fabric with a loose weave. Unless you invest in enough needles to have one for every colour you want to use on your beginner embroidery project, the large eye of chenille needles will save you a lot sweat and tears when threading, and is kinder on your embroidery floss if you are using it thick. Once you have mastered the basics you might want to try out crewel needles for finer work.Other embroidery suppliesAdditionally you will need:Embroidery scissors to snip as close to your work as possible. They are pretty and not too pricey and I use them to snip my plain sewing threads, too.An embroidery hoop or roller frame. You can use the tambour frame or embroidery hoop for most techniques such as cross-stitch or doodle stitching, but a roller frame is a must for silk stitching, goldwork and most counted stitch techniques with dense stitching.A needle roll or embroidery box to store your needles, scissors and extra thread you might need later on.Thread and fabricWhile you can embroider with almost any thread or wool (beginners should stay away from normal sewing thread, but you are more advanced you can used it for miniature projects such as dollhouse upholstery), embroidery floss was invented for a reason. Don’t go cheap - Anchor and DCM aren’t that expensive and embroidering with them is a dream.You can stitch onto any fabric, but a special evenweave embroidery fabric is perfect for beginner projects, as you know your stitches will be even. If you are doing cross-stitch, Aida fabric is a good choice.cross-stitch, petit point, bargello and Holbein. Of course, there are many more: buttonhole stitch, long-arm cross-stitch, Cretan stitch, sh eaf stitch…Embroider cushions and pillowcases with a variety of lovely embroidery stitches. Photo credit: The Stitch Up on Visual huntEmbroidery styles and techniquesFrom several simple stitches, each culture and region has elaborated very distinct embroidery styles, each with their own stunning visuals. From Hungarian redwork curtains to Japanese Shashiko embellishments for your patched trousers, there are hundreds of different techniques to discover and explore.Learn to Embroider TutorialsHesitant to hare off on your own? Need advice and tips for beginner embroiderers?Learn to embroider on your own“Embroidery for absolute Beginners” by Susie Johns starts with the basics of how to put your work in the hoop and transfer patterns and ends with taking care of your newly-embroidered totes and pillows. If you are looking for a wealth of different stitches, try out Lucinda Ganderton’s “Embroidery Stitches Step by Step”. If you are looking to learn a specific style of embroide ry, look to the Royal School of Needlework’s “Essential Stitch Guides” and “A-Z of…” titles.If you prefer to learn embroidery online (and for free), The Spruce and Needle ‘n Thread have easy-to-follow instructions on basic (and exotic) stitches and forays into international and historical embroidery styles.Embroidery classes and online lessonsEmbroidery lessons can be one-on-one or a class with a whole group of embroidery enthusiasts. Photo credit: City of Boston Archives on Visualhunt.comIf you want to devote three to five years to becoming a professional embroiderer, The Royal School of Needlework and the Manchester School of Art offer programs in embroidery and embroidery design. For beginner embroidery classes, you can try the Victoria and Albert Museum or the London Embroidery School.Don’t hesitate to go to your brick-and-mortar haberdashery to see if they offer beginner embroidery classes or sewing classes. Many do, or if they don’t they might have leaflets a dvertising an embroidery course near you.But if you can’t make it to sewing classes London or the other community centres offering embroidery courses, why not try to learn to embroider online? The Embroiderer’s Guild has a series of embroidery classes you can take; or if you are interested in historical embroidery, Thistle Threads offers online courses. Or why not try out a private tutor? Here at Superprof, you can choose your own private tutor for at-home or online needlework courses, including embroidery.Embroidery Patterns for Your First ProjectsYour local haberdasher’s can probably offer you a series of beginner embroidery kits to get you started on your first cross-stitch project. Commercial kits tend to focus on cross-stitch and needlepoint, but you can find some blackwork, redwork and crewelwork kits, too, if you know where to look.Embroidery kits are a good way to see if you like the hobby and want to keep up with it. Photo credit: merwing?little dear on Visual HuntThe Internet, of course, is filled with free embroidery patterns and charts. Just Google what you are looking for and you are sure to find something. But to get you started, we recommend you stop by The Spruce  or Needle ‘n Thread and look at their free downloadable patterns - you’re sure to find something there!

How Much Does A Physics And Maths Tutor Cost

How Much Does A Physics And Maths Tutor Cost Find A Maths And Physics Tutor That Won’t Break The Bank ChaptersKnow What Kind Of Physics Tutor You Would LikeHave An Idea Of Your Budget Before Hiring A Physics And Maths TutorTips To Save Money On TuitionConclusionThere are so many different reasons why you might want to enlist the help of a tutor. Whether you’re:Looking to improve your marks in your physics classes;Trying to get better at the numerical elements of physics, such as the formulae;Need some extra motivation to study; orWant to improve your overall academic performance,A physics tutor can be really beneficial.Although there are lots of wonderful reasons to study physics, many students that study physics find that the numerical elements of the subject can be challenging, whether that’s due to the number of formulae that you need to know, or the nature or complexity of certain topics.Consequently, such students can find it very helpful to enlist the help of a physics tutor that can also help them improve their overall skills in maths.This has a double benefit, as not only should the extra tuition in maths help you to improve in physics, but it may also help you to do better in your maths classes. Seeing as it is quite common for physics A-Level students to also study maths or even further maths at A-Level, having a tutor that could help you improve in two subjects is a bonus.While it can be difficult in the first instance to find a physics tutor, it’s equally difficult to know what price to pay for a good tutor. This article outlines how you should go about searching for a physics and maths  tutor for a price that works for you.Having a physics and maths tutor can really help you when it comes to the numerical elements of your physics studies. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, geralt, Pixabay)Having group tuition workshops rather than one on one lessons;Having shorter lessons, or having fewer than planned lessons; andAsking a tutor for a discount.Let’s take a look at these budget-friendly ideas below.Switching To Remote LessonsThe price a tutor charges ca n be influenced by where that tutor is located. For example, the average hourly cost of a tutor is likely to be higher in a city such as London compared to somewhere more rural, due to the higher cost of living.As a result, it might cost less to have a tutor provide you with online tutoring in cities or towns where the cost of living is high, for example, because the tutor won’t have to travel to visit you. Remote online tutoring can still be very effective, and with the reliability of broadband and applications such as Skype, it’s never been easier to communicate with a tutor online.Opting For Group TuitionAnyone looking to save some money on their tuition costs may also want to consider choosing group tuition over other tuition methods. This is because, with group workshops, the cost of the tuition session can be split between the attendees, which can lead to cheaper lessons overall.If you know of other people in your physics or maths classes who are interested in tutoring, th en you should be able to find people willing to attend a group lesson without too much difficulty.More than one physics and maths tutor offers group lessons, often at a discount!Having fewer lessons with a physics and maths tutor can help you to save money on tuition costs. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, obpia30, Pixabay)Cutting Down The Number Of LessonsAs stated above, a private tutor usually charges by the hour. As a result, if you can reduce how long you spend with your tutor, then the cost of tuition should reduce. This might mean that you cut lessons down to 45 minutes instead of one hour, or you only schedule 6 weeks’ worth of tuition in rather than the 8 you would have ideally had.Asking For A DiscountAlthough not every tutor will accept discounts, it doesn’t hurt to ask if a tutor is willing to work at a reduced rate. Ultimately, being upfront with a prospective tutor about your budget constraints will help you to find the right tutor for you at a price point you can afford.Co nclusionOverall, when looking at how much you should pay for a physics and maths tutor, there are a lot of variables to think about, such as how much tuition you want, what you’d like to gain out of such supplemental instruction, whether you’d like remote, one on one tutoring, or group lessons, and how experienced the tutor is.Once you have your budget in mind, the best thing that you can do is to consider the factors discussed above, and also take the time to shop around to find a tutor that’s right for you.Superprof, for instance, has a wide network of both physics and maths tutors, with a range of experience levels that offer a selection of in-person, small group, and online-only learning options.Looking through private tutoring sites such as Superprof should give you the best chance to browse between different tutors and ultimately select the best tutors that:Match your academic and financial needs;Can help you become more confident in your physics studies; andCan give you guidance and strategies to help you succeed during your exam.If you found this useful, why not check out our blogs on taking physics courses and what kind of job you can do with a physics degree!

Updating PHP for WordPress

Updating PHP for WordPress How to Update PHP to the Latest Version on Your WordPress ChaptersWhat’s the Relationship between PHP and WordPress?Which Version does WordPress Use?How Do You Change the Version on Your WordPress Site?How Often Is It Updated?“I am not the only person who uses his computer mainly for the purpose of diddling with his computer.” - Dave BarryWith over 18 million users in the world, WordPress is the world’s most popular CMS (content management system) for those wanting to make a website without losing their minds. However, some people decide to learn more about web programming and improving the functionality of their website.Configuring a web page, hosting a storefront, writing a script, installing a plugin, choosing a domain name, etc. creating a web site has never been easier.But which version of PHP should you use with WordPress?In this article, we'll look at how you can use PHP when you build a website, use WordPress (or any other site builder or CMS), upload photos, etc. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesso n free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all o ur tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat’s the Relationship between PHP and WordPress?Before you start creating your dynamic website, you need to know what PHP is, how it ties in with WordPress, and how it’ll affect the functionality of your WordPress website.PHP can be used to modify websites. (Source: Pexels)What is PHP?PHP is a programming language created in the 1990s that allows you to create dynamic websites. Unlike static web pages, dynamic web pages can change depending on who’s looking at them or when they’re being accessed.PHP is used by many businesses and individuals. PHP is quite simple to use and accessible. You don’t need to have a degree in web development to code a pag e in PHP.Furthermore, PHP allows you to manage databases and welcome visitors to the same page at the same time. One of the biggest advantages of it is that its open-source. This means that anyone can use or modify it freely.What about WordPress?WordPress is also open source. Just like PHP, developers can transform this CMS and it evolves each year.A CMS is a content management system that allows you to create websites without knowing programming.You can create a site without knowing how to code in PHP, Java, HTML, etc.  This is a system that has made web design accessible to a large number of people. You can use it to create a website, blog, portfolio, etc.WordPress uses PHP coupled with a MySQL database. You can use it online or download the programme onto your computer. While a lot of sites aren’t made by using a CMS, WordPress sites make up almost a third of websites.How Do They Work Together?As we explained before, you don’t need to know PHP to create a WordPress site. Howe ver, if you want to modify or develop certain functions, you’ll need to know it.To modify your site with PHP, you can directly modify it or use a plugin (there are plugins like “Insert PHP” or “Allow PHP in Posts and Pages”). In this case, you just need to install the plugin and add your lines of code. You need to add headers so that they’ll correctly integrate. Don’t forget to change the design (font, colour, etc) so that it fits in.You should write your code into a notepad and then add them so you don’t get lost.Find out more about adding images with PHP.Which Version does WordPress Use?WordPress was created in the early 2000s. At the time, PHP was still in its infancy. The earliest WordPress users started with version 4 of PHP. PHP is now in its seventh version.WordPress finds reading code easier than you probably do. (Source: kuszapro)Version 7 arrived at the end of 2016. Over the years, it continued to change. Versions 7.2, 7.3, etc. WordPress improves its funct ionality with the latest version of PHP. WordPress currently uses version 7.Can you use other versions?On WordPress, they say:To run WordPress we recommend your host supports:PHP version 7.3 or greater.MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.0 or greater.HTTPS supportYou can use other versions, but the site does mention:“[T]hese versions have reached official End Of Life and as such may expose your site to security vulnerabilities.”WordPress also have other recommendations for users:“We recommend Apache or Nginx as the most robust and featureful server for running WordPress, but any server that supports PHP and MySQL will do. That said, we can’t test every possible environment and each of the hosts on our hosting page supports the above and more with no problems.”How Do You Change the Version on Your WordPress Site?The best idea is to use PHP version 7. The latest version is 7.3.0. Using the latest version is good for your site’s security and ensures that it f unctions correctly.WordPress is regularly updated. (Source: pixelcreatures)Version 7 of PHP came after version 5 as version 6 was skipped by the developers.  Even though you can use older versions to create and modify WordPress websites, you run the risk of missing out on newer features.So how can you replace an older version with a newer one?Just like adding PHP code, updating requires a plugin. There’s one called “SG Optimizer”. It allows you to update to the latest version of PHP and improve your experience on WordPress.If you’ve already downloaded SG Optimizer, you just have to update it before you use it. If you haven’t, you can do so through WordPress.You then need to check that the theme of your website and the other plugins you’re using are compatible with the latest version of PHP. You can do this by doing a scan with SG Optimizer. This scan will tell you whether or not you can update to the latest version. If you can, you just need to click a button to do it.   If not, it’ll show you which plugins aren’t compatible. You’ll need to update them individually and do the scan again to update your version of PHP.The SG Optimizer allows you to go back to previous versions if you need to. This might happen if you have problems with a certain plugin. You can choose the version that works for you.However, keep in mind that the latest version is more secure and faster than the previous versions.Learn how to upload PHP files.How Often Is It Updated?PHP is constantly evolving. Since the 90s, many passionate developers have worked towards getting the best out of it. This is because the language is open source so, in theory, anything is possible.It's very easy updating to the latest version of PHP. (Source: Boskampi)Web developers are always working on it. Just because you’ve currently got the latest version, that doesn’t mean that you always will. There are fixes and improvements throughout the year. Updates could happen every three months.You should regularly update your site with the SG Optimizer. It’s not essential, though.This might be useful if you find a few errors or bugs on your site. In this case, an update could fix them. Otherwise, a yearly update could be enough without going mad with updates. Good luck!If you're interested in learning more about web hosting, e-commerce, templates, SEO (search engine optimization), Joomla, or how to build your website and get it up and running, consider getting in touch with a tutor on Superprof who can help you with website building and making your own website.There are three types of tutorials available: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages.Face-to-face tutorials are the most cost-effective since your tutor tailors their lessons to you and can focus on you for the entire lesson. Of course, this tailored service comes at a cost. Essentially, you're paying not just for the time the tutor spends with yo u, but also all the time they spend planning and preparing your tutorials.Online tutorials are often cheaper than face-to-face tutorials since the tutor doesn't have as many expenses to deal with. As a result, they can charge less per hour to make their offering more competitive. While these types of tutorials aren't ideal for things like sculpture, they can be very effective for technical subjects like IT and programming.Group tutorials are usually the cheapest for each student because they're all sharing the cost of the lesson. Of course, the major drawback of this type of tutorial is that you don't get as much one-on-one time with your tutor as you would in the other types but could be good if you and a group of friends are all interested in learning PHP.Finally, most of the tutors on Superprof offer the first hour of private tutoring for free. You can try out different tutors and talk to them about your goals and expectations, see if you get along with them, and ensure that thei r teaching approaches are right for you.

2019 NC Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference Unpacking Mathematical Fluency - Heart Math Tutoring

2019 NC Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference Unpacking Mathematical Fluency - Heart Math Tutoring 2019 NC Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference: Unpacking Mathematical Fluency 2019 NC Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference: Unpacking Mathematical Fluency December 20, 2019 Last month, I had the opportunity to join Heart Program Director, Cydney Kramer and Program Manager, Emily Aleski, in attending the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference (NCCTM) in Greensboro, NC. We joined hundreds of other math teachers, facilitators, and researchers from across the state to explore this year’s topic of Mathematical Mindsets for All. We were inspired by and thankful for the opportunity to connect with other math educators, all grounded in a commitment to equitable math instruction for all students. As a Heart Tutoring team, we had many of our current practices validated, and we also learned even more ways to provide equitable support for our students and families! We’ve summarized some of our findings below. What is Mathematical Fluency? Mathematical fluency is typically defined as the ability to solve math problems accurately and efficiently. Unfortunately, this definition often translates to a disproportionate emphasis on speed. Many of us have encountered this imbalance in our own math experiences. (If you’ve ever felt anxious about a timed multiplication tables quiz, then you probably know what I mean!) The challenge with math fluency is that we too often interpret efficiency to mean speed, resulting in students memorizing facts without foundational understanding. In order to become efficient problem solvers, students first need the opportunity to build authentic understanding of number concepts so that they can then use that knowledge in a way that makes sense to them. Learn more about defining (and redefining) mathematical fluency here. Firing and Wiring Our Brains Once students have grounded their thinking in understanding, then they can begin building efficiency and speed through meaningful repetition. Keynote speaker, Valerie Faulkner, calls this “firing and wiring our brains.” She argues that, when done strategically and consistently, practicing speed does not have to be inherently stressful for students. To keep stress levels low and strategic learning at the forefront, Faulker recommends regularly linking speedwork to the conceptual work needed for students to gain understanding. She also notes the importance of valuing student effort over correct answers, setting the purpose for speed-based practice, and providing opportunities for students to review and celebrate their individual progress. These strategies can shift fluency practice away from tasks that are anxiety-inducing and instead transform them into meaningful moments that are confidence-boosting! The Power of Precise Feedback As our students work hard to strengthen all these mathematical skills, a huge part of our role as tutors is to provide encouragement and feedback. The more precise our feedback, the more impactful. Precise feedback sounds like taking that extra minute to offer students specific language that celebrates the work they are doing and the way they are doing it. For example, rather than saying “Great job,” we might say, “I see how you organized the cubes into trains of ten to help you solve! Great thinking!” We might even ask an additional question like, “I see that you organized the cubes into trains of ten. Can you explain to me how you used those trains to solve the problem?” Precise feedback acknowledges student thinking and gives them the opportunity to reflect on that thinking themselves. To learn more, check out this six-minute video, which shows elementary students learning how specific feedback enhances outcomes.

Classroom Learning Climate

Classroom Learning Climate Every day, you strive to guide your students toward greater learning. How can you foster a climate that pushes students to grow and learn? Here are a few tips to create an effective classroom and learning climate: Encourage questions. Students who are engaged are poised to learn, and asking questions is a big part of that. Invite meaningful, thoughtful questions. These help students solidify their understanding, think about what they learn as they learn it, and strive to continue their discovery journey in your class and beyond. Adjust to your students. No two students learn exactly the same way, so meet your students wherever they are. Acknowledge that everyone has different strengths and needs, and let students know your goal is to support them as individuals. Make your classroom a safe place. All students should feel welcome, comfortable, and empowered in your classroom. Demand respect from students for you and for one another. Emphasize the process, not the end result. Teach students the value of learning and get them to buy in on its importance. Let them know that you expect effort and participation, which in turn is likely to lead to higher grades. Embrace a positive attitude. Believe that your students are capable and tell them that you have confidence in their abilities. Set and communicate high expectations, and give students the support to meet them. Show your students you care and want to help them learn. Teaching is a complex process. The classroom atmosphere you cultivate has a tremendous impact on your students and your ability to stimulate learning that lasts.